By: Lucia Conchello
December 21, 2018design, interactive design, print, typography, Uncategorized, website design and programming
In 2018 we were happy to introduce Mark Maguire to the SAC team as a Project Manager and Information Architect. He has been an integral part of the team and helped us improve our workflow using the Agile Kanban process. Mark likes trail running and drinking gin and tonics. Say hello to our newest member!
Soon after Mark joined the team, we moved offices. We didn’t go too far though! Our new address is 380 Main St. Stoneham, Ma. It was chaotic trying to have conference calls without desks, and get things done while sawdust flys through the air. With the move we gained a sink and ice coffee making capabilities. Ice coffee has been an absolute game changer for us! The Cafe Bustelo, which is awesome and cheap, is keeping us fueled to make so many interesting designs.
It has been a big year for some of our clients as well. One of our favorite clients, ATG, has officially opened its doors in Salem, as Massachusetts’s first medical marijuana dispensary. Their big launch milestone had been years in the making, and working with them over the years we’ve all gotten to witness this business’s amazing growth. We are so proud of ATG’s big achievement, and know it will only be clear sailing for them from here on. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with them on building their beautiful website, atgma.org.
Another big story is regarding Rob Salafia, of Protagonist Consulting. We have been collaborating with Rob for a while now on his website and other design needs. Rob’s big accomplishment this year was becoming the published author of “LEADING FROM YOUR BEST SELF”. A book dedicated to helping people navigate the world with poise, presence and influence. Checkout out the website protagonistconsulting.com.
When Steve, Lucia and the rest of the team aren’t getting decked out in zombie makeup for halloween they are designing incredibly unique and beautiful graphics, presentations, websites, infographics, apps and animations for our clients. To see the wild array of their work you should really check out our work. Some of our outstanding work for this year includes a project we worked on in conjunction with The Yates Network, animating the amazingly intricate and detailed cancer gene research being done by cutting edge KSQ Therapeutics.
It’s no secret we love working on, and are pretty good at, animations. This year we have had the pleasure of working on quite a few really good ones, including those for ACI Worldwide, American Tower, SAP, KSQ, Vertex, Quest Diagnostics and Olin College of Engineering, to name a few.
We have had the great opportunity to work with a numerous of global market leaders. Among them are: ACI Worldwide, Argus Media, American Tower, Natixis, LaborSoft, Direxion (in partnership with Viewpoint Creative), Hood and Northeastern University (in partnership with Hatch Marketing), Nationwide (in partnership with 360 Strategy and Communications), KSQ Therapeutics (in partnership with The Yates Network), New Hampshire Ski and Timberland (in partnership with GYK Antler), SAP (in partnership with White Rhino) and Vertex (in partnership with Pinkergreen).
It’s our goal for 2019 to continue collaborating and gaining inspiration from all our clients and partners in the creation of exceptional and pertinent designs. We wish all a Happy and Merry Holiday and New Year.
For any of your graphic design needs, give us a call at 617-209-2201 or email us at info@sacdzn.com