Recently we were asked to assist Matter, Inc with a pretty large app project, for Act-On. The project was based on an architecture that consisted of creating numerous how-to videos and building an app to make it more interesting for the user, while gathering pertinent marketing information.
The work on the videos was significant, as alway it is imperative to make explainer videos both informative as well as engaging. Given SAC Designs’ animation track record, we accomplished that objective to everyone’s approval.
Then there was the supporting app, which made the process way more fun. The app was designed and implemented to allow a signed-in user to choose a path that best interested them. Once on that path the user is directed to make various selections, each of which kicks off an associated video. Meanwhile, the data attributed to the user’s interests is being collected. The great thing about using an app like this is to keep the videos highly targeted, brief in presentation time and the user engaged. Also, notice the SVG Icons we created, shown below, they are completely scalable without loss and fully animated. We greatly enjoyed working in partnership with both Matter and Act-On, to get this project launched.