You may have noticed, but if not, we at SAC Designs are in love with animation. We especially love creating them, along with collaborating with clients who engage us in these endeavours, and who share our passion for this beautiful artform. The pièce de résistance being when these little wonders are presented to their intended audience. The following is a confession of our love and respect for this remarkable and memorable medium. (more…)

PART ONE (of five): A Guide to Great Animation

Seems like animation has been with us for a very long time. From prehistoric paintings on cave walls: (“Hey, Bonk, is it just my iStone or is the Cavenet really slow today?”), to the prolific use of rapidly repeating gifs, to the ultra-sophisticated dynamic storytelling motion graphics of today, animation has always been a part of the human experience and always will be. (more…)

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then the value of an interactive design – one that engages its viewer in a branded experience – is immeasurable. Below are our top 3 reasons to make your business-related graphics interactive. (more…)

SAC Designs has been busy since day one. Based on client jobs archived on our servers, SAC has worked on at least 3,581 projects as of July 5, 2018. With so much creative talents within our team, we can accomplish a wide range of different projects. Check out the stats below to see what this motion, web, and print design studio has worked on so far. (more…)

Video marketing is rapidly growing, with a whopping 87% of marketers leveraging video for their content marketing. In fact, YouTube is now the 2nd largest search engine, transforming the way we research information online. There are several ways to use video to drive more traffic to your website and increase conversion rates. Below are just a few examples of how we have helped our clients at SAC Designs to effectively use this visual communication strategy to engage and entertain their target audiences.

Explainer videos have seen explosive growth over the last few years and they are continuing to increase in popularity. These videos are so successful because they are proven to rank better in search engines, increase web traffic and help your audience retain information by more than 3o% over static text. (more…)

It’s a myth that having custom explainer videos is expensive and only large corporations can afford them. (more…)